
Ciputra World Jakarta Marketing Gallery

DBS Bank Tower Lt. 39
Ciputra World Jakarta 1
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5
Jakarta 12940 Indonesia

Telp: +62 21 2988 8888
Phone: +62 21 7070 9300
+62 21 520 2585

Fax: +62 21 2988 8899

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While all reasonable care has been taken in this website, the developer and its agent(s) shall not be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions. All statements are believed to be correct but shall not be regarded as statements or representations of fact. Visual representations including models, drawings, illustrations, photographs, and art renderings portray artistic impressions only and not to be taken as representations of fact. Floor plans and other measurements are approximate only and are subject to final survey. All information, plans and specifications are current at the time of publish and are subject to changes as may be required or approved by the developer and / or the relevant authorities. The Developer has signed a management agreement with The Ascott Group Limited and Raffles Hotels & Resorts to manage some parts of development. No representation, warranties, or guarantees are hereby given from The Ascott Group Limited and Raffles Hotels & Resorts or The Developer to any parties for any further continuance of such license.


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